Monday, February 4, 2008

Let's Save Our Planet!

So the Planet is in Peril. But a great crisis also presents a great opportunity. Being environmentally conscious is SO easy. For one day I ask you to do this. Everything you do....EVERYTHING during the course of the day, ask yourself if there is any way that that action could have an impact on the environment. If And then ask yourself how it could be fixed. We must all make individual sacrifices, but this crisis is serious and the danger becomes more apparent every single day. The scientific consensus is that global warming is happening, humans are to blame, and only we have the power to turn it around. Scientists also agree we have a very short time span to make radical changes.

So make individual sacrifices:
1. Buy the CFL energy-saver light bulbs. Save yourself LOTS of money in the long run AND save the environment.
2. Drive less. Walk more. Take Public Transportation. If you have to drive, car pool.
3. NEVER, and I mean NEVER get plastic bags at a grocery store. Plastic bags are awful for the environment and even if you recycle them it still emits way too much carbon to recycle plastic. They are already outlawed or virtually outlawed in two major US cities. BRING YOUR OWN BAGS! And if your forget, worst case scenario...ask for paper...they are much easier to recycle.
4. Recycle at home, at work, and get others to do the same.
5. Turn down your thermostat. 70 degrees is plenty warm enough, at the most.

There are a ton more.

Ultimately people can make a difference, but COMPANIES do the lion share of polluting. So we must take action. Big companies changing small policies can make a HUGE difference for the environment. What I have been noticing (since I started paying more attention) is how many companies have outrageous environmental policies and are incredibly wasteful. Every time I think of an outrage, I will post it here, and suggest action. I hope you will take action. I also hope you will post your own outrages. Write about what you saw, the problem, and propose a solution. Email it to, and I will put it on the blog. Good Journey!

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